The Invitation

2 min readJan 3, 2022

Welcome to the future of cultural assets.

If you’re here, then you’re curious. You’re curious about the promise of a decentralized future.

A future marked by the integration of equitable ownership, transparency and value creation. You’ve decided to lean into the potential of tomorrow; to define a better way forward. Welcome and WAGMI.

Before we embark on this journey, it’s worth noting that this isn’t the platform where we break down the technical components of the Xsauce ecosystem (the GitBook link below is for that). This is our space to partake in an open dialogue. Some posts will be rants, some will be incoherent streams of consciousness, while others will be important updates. We suggest you read these posts like a series of inner reflections about the powerful paradigm shift that is web3.

Let’s start with our perspective on a few things…

Web3 isn’t just about blockchains, DAOs or flipping NFTs. It’s about suspending your beliefs about what something currently is versus what it could be. It’s about challenging the embedded and structurally divisive components which define our marketplaces — the assumptions we make about who owns culture, how meaning is created and who or what should be the beneficiary of culturally-derived value.

“The path is not there until you walk it” — Antonio Machado


Xsauce is a suite of tools that empower the evolution of cultural assets. We believe that the future of cultural assets will be dynamic. That the value created will grow in tandem with creativity. We see a future where a select number of assets are released for physical wear/use and the remaining are synthetic counterparts.

We’re trying to break some things that need to be broken.

This is an invitation to the beginning of it all.




We are a synthetics protocol for on-chain price exposure to cultural assets